Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The influence of classical and human relations Essay

The Influence of Classical and Human Relations Approaches In Management Today - Essay Example According to the research findings, the human resources approach, however, views workers as a source of competitive advantage which is achieved by focusing on the construction of motivational strategies, achieving commitment through mutual trust, and where managers take on the role of the leader rather than a stringent, efficiency-focused manager. With the HR approach, socio-psychological characteristics and needs of employees are considered as part of the managerial approach, whilst the classical approach does not recognize socio-psychological characteristics of workers to be relevant to achieving productivity and efficiency goals in an organizational context. In today’s organizations, both classical and human resources approach to management have some dimension of influence in how management tackles engagement with employees. Some contemporary organizations still prescribe the classical approach in order to provide outputs that are productive and aligned with strategic goals . In opposite accord, other organizations maintain a management ideology where employees are considered the most valuable assets to achieving competitive advantages and provide the capacity for the organization to accomplish long-run strategic goals. The classical approach is founded on the principles of scientific management, whereby the main managerial goal is to achieve economic efficiency and enhance employee productivity. Frederick Taylor is considered the father of scientific management who emphasized that achievement of productive outputs and internal economic efficiencies were best achieved through comprehensive training and development of workers to ensure that each employee is equipped with the fundamental skills and knowledge needed to produce high-class work outputs. The classical approach maintains very formalized processes and procedures and asserts that maintaining a centralized hierarchy of managerial control is critical to achieving productive and efficient outputs.

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